Activity Report

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The Activity Report shows you a range of changes that have been made to Agreements' contractual data, ordered by time. It's a great tool for checking on User Activity and for investigating possible causes of changes to your Opening Balances on your Agreements. 

The Activity Report is great at tracking changes in your Organisation however, there are some changes which you won't find tracked in the Activity Report. These include:

  • Changes to the Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire 
  • Changes to the IFRS 16 Settings Change Questionnaire
  • Additions or deletions to the Additional Payments on the Rent & Payments page 
  • Changes to Organisation Settings

How to Access the Activity Report

To access the Activity Report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports page

  1. Scroll to the Other Reports section, and click on the Activity Report

  1. The default setup of this Report applies two filters to show you the Activity from the last 30 days in your Organisation. You can edit this Filter to show more activity by customising your Report

Customising the Activity Report

There are a handful of ways you can customise the Activity Report to get the information you need oversight of. We've outlined these tools below.


You can apply Filters to your Activity Report to look for specific activity. To do this:

  1. Remove the default Filters added to the Report and click Regenerate
  1. Apply any Filters you need to your report, before clicking Regenerate

Our favourite Filters to add to this Report are Target (Agreement), User, or Time Range. Filters are stackable, so you can add more than one!


Grouping your report

You can change the layout of your Report by applying a Grouping, which will categorise your report by a Column of your choice.

Unfortunately we're experiencing some issues when trying to apply the Grouping tool to this report, so it's not working as expected. We apologies for any inconvenience. 


Re-ordering Columns

You can change the order that the Columns appear on your Report by clicking on the Column header, then dragging and dropping it to your preferred order

There is a limited ability to edit the Columns that appear on the Activity Report. To do this: 

  1. Click Customise

  1. Click Columns

  1. You'll see the option to add the Event Column to your report, which you can do by clicking the '+' icon beside this Column. If you want to remove any other Columns, click the 'x' icon

  1. Then click Regenerate to apply your changes

If you add in the Event Column or remove any Columns in this screen, you'll need to click Regenerate and then Export the report from this screen, as clicking the Back button  will revert the changes made to your Report. 


Exporting your Report 

You can export the Activity Report you've generated by:

  1. Clicking Export

  1. Selecting the File Type you would like to export it as (PDF, Excel or CSV)

  1. Your exported Report will be downloaded to your chosen save location

Please Note: You may see the option to Save the Activity Report in your Organisation however, the Activity Report can't be saved as a template in Nomos One, it can only be exported.


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