How to Extend the length of your Agreement

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

If you need to extend the term of your Agreement either by increasing the length of a current term or by adding in an additional option to renew, this guide will walk you through the steps to process these changes.

Video Tutorial: Adding a New Renewal or Extending the Length of an Existing Term

Check out this video guide on how to add a new Renewal or Extend your Agreement, or keep reading below:

How to Add a New Renewal or Extend the Length of an Existing Term

To add in a new Renewal, or to extend the length of an existing term:

  1. On your Agreement, click Action > Create / Edit Events 
  1. On the Events page, scroll to the Variation section and click Edit 
  1. Using the calendar tool or text field, add in a Variation Event for the date you agreed to add a new Renewal or extend the length of a term in your Agreement. This Variation Event must be scheduled at least 1 day before the expiry of your existing term. Remember to click Add

Why does the Variation Event have to be at least 1 day before the expiry of the existing term? In Nomos One a Renewal or extension must be processed at least one (1) day before the expiry of the existing term otherwise the Agreement would have logically expired in Nomos One when the change is processed - and you can't renew or extend an expired Agreement.

  1. While on the Events page, navigate up to the Initial Term & Renewals Section, and click Edit 

Depending on which method you've chosen to extend your Agreement, follow either step 5.A for adding a new Renewal or step 5.B for extending the length of existing term. After following step 5.A or 5.B, then go to step 6.

  1. A: If you're adding in a new Renewal: Simply click the 'Add Renewal button and adjust the term length as required for your new option. E.g., an option to Renew of 2 years has been agreed to

  1. B: If you're needing to extend the length of an existing term in your Agreement: You're required to process this extension as a Renewal term for the length of the extension. Simply click the 'Add Renewal' button and adjust the length of the term to match the extension period contracted for. E.g., An extension of 4 months has been agreed to, so a renewal term is added in for 4 months

We understand that your extension is not actually a 'Renewal', however due to a current system limitation we require you to process any extensions this way to ensure your IFRS 16 Reports correctly factor in any increases in term length that happened throughout the life of your Agreement. Our Developers are working hard to resolve this issue and the workflow for processing extensions. We kindly ask that you follow this work around until we notify you that this has been resolved.

  1. Once you've added in your Variation and Renewal or extension, click Done at the top of the Agreement Wizard to return to the Agreement Timeline
  1. On the Agreement Timeline, click on the Variation Event icon and then click Start Event

While you can add Events on a date that is within a locked period, you cannot complete these Events on the Agreement Event Timeline. If your Variation Event is within a locked period, you'll need to ask a user with the Administrator permission in your Organisation to edit the Lock Date before you can complete the Event. Check out this article for more information. 

  1. At Step 2, if there are any changes to the contractual data of your Agreement which take effect from the Variation date, you can click 'Yes, there are variations to the agreement' and record these changes through the usual Variation workflow. If there are no other changes to your Agreement effective from the Variation date, you can simply click 'No additional variations', then click Next to continue 

When completing this Variation Event, at Step 2 you're not required to update or amend the length of the terms in your Agreement or add in any new Renewals. If you do need to add in other changes to your contractual data at this stage, check out our Variation guide for a refresher on what can and can't be changed in a Variation Event.

Please note that we currently can't process changes to Rent Review dates, type, or frequency within terms currently factored into IFRS 16 calculations. If you adjust any Rent Reviews within your current reporting period this will result in a change to your opening balance. You can add in new Rent Reviews to the extended terms you've added, and these will correctly factor into your IFRS 16 calculations from the date you decide to take up the extension as an Expected Renewal in the IFRS 16 Settings Change Questionnaire.

  1. Upload any supporting Documentation, or select No Documentation and click Next 
  1. Confirm the Data Change Date of the Event (this should be the same as the Event Date). If these don't match, click Edit to open the calendar tool to adjust the Data Change Date before clicking Complete 

  1. On the completed Variation Event, you'll need to update the IFRS 16 Settings Change Questionnaire to ensure your Renewal or extension is included in your financial reporting. To do this, in the IFRS Settings Changes Questionnaire click 'Yes Settings should change' 

  1. Scroll to the Expected Renewals section, and toggle 'Is there a change in the anticipated number of renewals?' to read Yes. You'll then need to:
  • Include the new extension period in your reporting by selecting the number which corresponds to the new term
  • If there is a revision of the discount rate from the effective date, you can record this here too
  • Record the Effective Date of this change (this should match the Variation Event date)
  1. Next, scroll to the bottom of the Settings Change Questionnaire and click Save
  1. Run the Journal Report over the Event date where the IFRS 16 Settings Change Questionnaire was completed. You'll now see an entry for the Increase in Lease Term.

If the Renewal Event you've added in is Overdue, you can complete this on the Agreement Timeline. If the Renewal Event you've added in is scheduled for the future, you can leave this Event open until the time comes to complete it.

Is your added Renewal Event in a locked period? You'll need to ask a user with the Administrator permission in your Organisation to edit the Lock Date before you can complete the Renewal Event. Check out this article for more information.


These steps can be repeated as many times as you need to extend your Agreement. 

If your discount rate needs to be updated but is effective only from the Renewal date, you can record this by answering the IFRS 16 Settings Change Questionnaire on the Renewal Event using the 'Non-contractual Change in Rent' question.


Optional step for lease/portfolio management tracking

We appreciate that this method of processing term extensions or renewals no longer produces a 'display note' tracking the term extension as you're no longer processing the extension through the Variation workflow. If you'd like to have a record of this extension noted against your Agreement you can either:

  1. Add a note to your completed Event 
  2. Update the File Notes of your Agreement when completing the Variation Event to note this change; or
  3. At the Documentation Step in the Event Completion process, if you don't have any supporting documentation to load against the Variation Event, you can always click 'Other' and provide in the reasoning space a note about the terms of the extension. Please note this method will not be available if you're uploading documentation or are using the DocGen service

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