Creating and Applying Asset Classes to your Agreements

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

When generating the Financial Statements and Disclosure reports, you can filter them by Asset Class to see financial data relating to your selected asset. To do this, first you'll need to set up your Asset Classes in your Organisation, then apply them to each of your Agreements.

Creating Asset Classes

To create Asset Classes in your Organisation:

  1. Click the Settings tab
  1. Click into the Accounting & Finance tab
  1. Scroll to the Asset Class Settings section and click Add new
  1. In the text field, name your Asset Class before clicking Add

Applying Asset Classes to your Agreements

To apply an Asset Class to your Agreement:

  1. Click Action > Repair Data

  1. In the Settings page, scroll down to the Asset Class section

  1. Click Apply asset class and using the drop down, select the Asset Class you'd like to apply to your Agreement
  1. Click Confirm to save your selection

Now when your run your Reports, you'll be able to filter by Asset Class.

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