Checking if your Agreements have Asset Classes

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

To filter your Disclosure or Financial Statements Report by Asset Class, you'll need to ensure that all of your Agreements have an Asset Class attached. In this article, we'll show you how you can check this.

How can I tell which Agreements are missing an Asset Class?

If your portfolio is small, generate a Journal for all Agreements and customise the report to include the Agreement Known As and Asset Class columns.

Looking through the generated Journal, scroll to the Asset Class column and note any Agreements that are missing data in this field - these are the Agreements you'll need to assign Asset Classes to. 

If your portfolio is large, or you can't work out which Agreements are missing Asset Classes by looking at the Journals, you can contact our support team at and we will be able to assist you with this process. 

Handy Tip: Remember to check GL Templates are attached to all of your Agreements and review the Reporting Logs to ensure all Agreements display in the Journal you're using to cross check. 


How to assign an Asset Class to an Agreement 

If you've noticed that one or more of your Agreements don't have an asset class, check out this article on how to create and assign Asset Classes to your Agreement.

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