IFRS 16 Reporting Errors

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at March 16th, 2025

Table of Contents

Locating Error Messages How to solve common IFRS 16 Reporting Errors "Start date outside of Agreement" "No expiry event detected" "Interest rate does not exist for transition method" "Payment mode not recognised" “Agreement payment period is ”Other"" "No IFRS settings found for agreement" "child "initialMeasurements" fails because [child "interestRate" fails because ["interestRate" must be a number]]" "child "agreement" fails because [child "initialRent" fails because ["initialRent" must be a positive number]]" "No agreements exist for given filter" "Child "initialMeasurements" fails because [child “XXXXXX” fails because [child "amount" fails because ["amount" must be a number]]]" or “Child ”initialMeasurements" fails because [child “XXXXXX” fails because ["XXXXXX" must be a number]] "Subsequent measurements cannot generate Expiry date with same effective date" “Duplicate Event ID” “Cannot read property ‘sysid’ of undefined” "r is not iterable" "Must specify a valid effective date (after commencement) when using replaceEventId on event id 'e-1234567-s'" "Cannot Surrender agreement on or after Expiry Date" "Child "agreement" fails because [child "events" fails because ["events" at position 1 fails because [child "changeAmount" fails because ["changeAmount" must be a number]]]]" “Must specify a valid effective date (after commencement) when using replaceEventId on event id 'e-1234567'” “Effective date '[01/01/2020]’ cannot be after event date ‘[31/12/2025]’ for event expiry.”

When data isn't entered correctly, it can create errors which prevent your Agreements from reporting in our IFRS 16 Reporting suite. In this article, we're sharing how to solve the most common errors so you can get your reports back up and running!

Locating Error Messages

IFRS 16 Reporting Error messages appear in two ways in the Nomos One Platform. Error messages are displayed either:

  • In the top right hand corner of the application, or    
  • On a generated report in the IFRS Reporting suite where the 'Show Logs' button is red    

Errors must be resolved; otherwise, those Agreements won't be included in your Reports.

How to solve common IFRS 16 Reporting Errors

This section will list each known IFRS 16 reporting error, what they mean, and tips on how to resolve them.

"Failed to get Organisation IFRS Data"

This error is commonly linked to using Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge to run IFRS 16 reports.

You need to ensure you're running Nomos One using the most recent version of Google Chrome. For information on how to do this, click here

"Start date outside of Agreement"

This means that the Agreement is not included in the reporting period of the report, which is the Start Date and End Date you have set. Either the Agreement has expired (through the final expiry, a surrender, or through the expected number of renewals) before the set Start Date, or the Agreement has not commenced as of the set End Date. 

For those Agreements that were correctly set to expire before the Start Date of the reporting period, meaning you do not expect them to be included in the report, you can ignore this error message. However, if you expect the Agreement to still be included in the report, you will need to check what the expected number of renewals is set to. The expected number of renewals determines how many of the renewal terms in your Agreement are included in IFRS 16 reporting. This determination is made in the Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire, and can be changed using the IFRS Settings Changes Questionnaire if need be. To make sure the Agreement is included in the report as you expect, you might find these articles on Extending your Agreement or Changing your Expected Number of Renewals helpful. 

"No expiry event detected"

This error means that an expiry Event, and, therefore, an initial term, has not been recorded for this Agreement.

To fix this, go to the Events tab of the Agreement Wizard and add an initial term. This will automatically generate an expiry Event. If there is already an initial term and expiry Event recorded, return to the Agreement Timeline and check that the expiry Event has not been dismissed. If it has been, reopen the Event to remove the error message. 

These articles may be helpful:

"Interest rate does not exist for transition method"

This error means either:

  • You haven't entered an interest rate in your Agreement's Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire, or
  • You've entered an interest rate into the field that doesn't align with your Organisation's Transition Method.

For example, if your Organisation uses the Modified Retrospective approach, the interest rate for your Agreements must be entered in the Modified field of the IFRS 16 Questionnaire. If you were to enter the interest rate in the Full Retrospective field, you'll get this error message in your IFRS 16 Reporting.

To fix this, edit your Agreement's Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire to enter the Interest Rate into the correct field.

"Payment mode not recognised"

This error means that the Payment Mode has been set to “Other”. For successful reporting, the system needs to know whether rent is paid in advance or in arrears. 

To fix this error, go to the Rent & Payments page of the Agreement Wizard. Change the payment mode to either “In Advance” or “In Arrears”. 

“Agreement payment period is ”Other""

This error means that the Payment Period has been set to “Other”. For successful reporting, the system needs to know how frequently rent is paid.

To fix this error, go to the Rent & Payments page of the Agreement Wizard. Change the payment period to one of the other options. Please note that once you choose another option, you will need to record the rent payment day and the rent payment month, depending on your selection. 

"No IFRS settings found for agreement"

This error means that a GL Template has been added to the Agreement, but the Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire has not been turned on. 

To fix this, go to the Settings page of the Agreement Wizard and ensure that the IFRS 16 Settings Questionnaire is turned on to Yes. You will also need to set an interest rate, and record your expected number of renewals. 

"child "initialMeasurements" fails because [child "interestRate" fails because ["interestRate" must be a number]]"

This means that a special character (%, $, *, etc.) is present in the text field where you record the interest rate. 

To fix this, navigate to the Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire (or Settings Change Questionnaire) and remove the special character from the interest rate field. Note that the field should only include numbers or a full stop/period. 

"child "agreement" fails because [child "initialRent" fails because ["initialRent" must be a positive number]]"

This means that the premises rent field is either empty, or has “0.00" recorded. Rent must be greater than 0.00 for the system to be able to present value the Rent of your Agreement. 

To fix this, navigate to the Rent & Payments page of your Agreement and enter 0.01 into the annual premises rent field. 

If you're not currently paying any Rent because of a Rent Holiday or Discount, you should record the regular rent in the Premises Rent field, then use the Holidays/Discount functionality to record the period without rent payments. 


"No agreements exist for given filter"

There are two scenarios in which this error message may appear.

Firstly, if you have filtered the Journal Report for a specific Agreement, but have not added a GL template to that Agreement, this error message will appear in the top right corner of the window. To fix this, add a GL template to the Agreement that you are filtering for. 

Secondly, if you have added a GL template to your Agreement, or are filtering the Disclosure or Financial Statements reports, this error message means that the filter is incorrect. To fix this, check that the input of the filter field is correct. 

"Child "initialMeasurements" fails because [child “XXXXXX” fails because [child "amount" fails because ["amount" must be a number]]]" or “Child ”initialMeasurements" fails because [child “XXXXXX” fails because ["XXXXXX" must be a number]]

This means that a special character (%, $, *, comma, etc.) is present in the text field where you record a monetary amount for any of the questions in the Advanced section of the Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire. 

The field that you have entered the special character into will be the “XXXXXXX” part of the error message. For example, if you had entered a special character into the Initial direct costs incurred to secure the lease field, the start of the error message would appear as “Child ”intialMeasurements" fails because [child "directCostsToSecureLease" fails…". This will tell you which field you need to fix to remove the error. 

To fix this, navigate to the Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire (or Settings Change Questionnaire) and remove the special character from the relevant field. Note that the monetary amount fields should only include numbers or a full stop/period. For example, if you needed to record a make good provision of $10,000.00, you would enter that in the make good field as “10000.00” - there is no need to add a comma. 

"Subsequent measurements cannot generate Expiry date with same effective date"

This means that a variation to extend or decrease the length of the lease term has been recorded incorrectly. Specifically, this error occurs when there is:

  • A variation to the original terms set out in the Agreement, and
  • A display note reflecting the change in lease term at the Data step of the variation completion process, and 
  • The IFRS Settings Change Questionnaire has been accessed to use the Termination Payment/New Expected Termination Date field.  

To fix this: 

  1. Go to the Agreement and click on the most recent variation Event.
  2. Repair the Variation Event.
  3. At step 1, Reset the Variation Event.
  4. Complete the Variation Event again, and at step 2, select “No Variation”. 
  5. Ensure that the IFRS 16 Settings Change Questionnaire is still filled out correctly, including the effective date of the change. 
    1. If you were extending a lease term, you should be accessing the Expected Renewals field. 
    2. If you were decreasing a lease term, you should be accessing the Termination Payment section / the New Expected Termination Date field.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Support Team at support@nomosone.com, or by clicking the Contact Support button in the top right of this article. 

Next time you need to record an extension or decrease to your lease term, check out these articles to ensure the changes are recorded correctly: 


“Duplicate Event ID”

This error message indicates a bug that can cause Events to be duplicated and unable to be deleted. If you come across this error message in IFRS 16 reports, please reach out to our Support team at support@nomosone.com, or by clicking the Contact Support button in the top right of this article. Be sure to include the ID of the Agreement for which you are seeing this error.

“Cannot read property ‘sysid’ of undefined”

This error can occur when future Events have been dismissed from the Agreement timeline. Dismissing events, especially rent reviews and renewals, can cause issues for IFRS 16 reporting. 

To fix this, reopen the Event that has been dismissed. 

"r is not iterable"

This error occurs when a Surrender Event has been completed, but another event scheduled after the Surrender Event has also been completed on the same Agreement. For example, you completed a Surrender Event dated on 1 January 2024, and then completed a Renewal Event dated on 1 February 2024, both on the same Agreement. Due to a system limitation, you should not complete, delete, or dismiss any Event on the Agreement Timeline that is scheduled after the surrender Event. 

To fix this:

  • Go to the Agreement Timeline of the Agreement displaying this reporting error.
  • Click on the Event icons that post-date the completed Surrender Event.
  • If any of these Events have been started or completed, click Repair Event. 
  • Reset the Events back to their original untouched state.

"Must specify a valid effective date (after commencement) when using replaceEventId on event id 'e-1234567-s'"

This means that there is an incomplete Surrender Event on the Agreement Timeline. 

To fix this, complete the Surrender Event. 

"Cannot Surrender agreement on or after Expiry Date"

This means that a Surrender Event has been completed after the expiry date of the Agreement. This error is usually encountered when you mistakenly add in a Surrender Event instead of completing the regular Expiry Event of the Agreement. 

To fix this, navigate to the Events page of the Agreement Wizard, and remove the incorrectly added Surrender Event. You can then complete the Expiry Event.

If your Agreement actually continued beyond the planned expiry date, please refer to the articles below for more guidance.


"Child "agreement" fails because [child "events" fails because ["events" at position 1 fails because [child "changeAmount" fails because ["changeAmount" must be a number]]]]"

This means there is a special character (such as a comma or percentage sign) or an additional space entered in the amount field of a fixed rent review on the Events page of an Agreement:

To fix this, remove any special characters and/or additional spaces from the amount field on the Events page of the Agreement.

“Must specify a valid effective date (after commencement) when using replaceEventId on event id 'e-1234567'”

This means there is a rent review scheduled on the same date as the Commencement Event. 

To fix this:

  1. Repair and reset the rent review on the Commencement date. 
  2. Navigate to the Events page of the Agreement Wizard, and remove the Rent Review on the Commencement Date.
  3. Enter the Rent at Commencement on the Rent & Payment page of the Agreement Wizard.

“Effective date '[01/01/2020]’ cannot be after event date ‘[31/12/2025]’ for event expiry.”

This error can occur when there is a Variation Event added in on the same date as the Commencement Event. 

To fix this:

  1. Repair and reset the Variation Event.
  2. Navigate to the Events page of the Agreement Wizard, and remove the Variation event on the Commencement Date.

Can't see a Variation Event on the Events page? This might be a ghost Event. Reach out to our Support Team for help to resolve this. 

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