IFRS 16 Reporting Errors

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

When data isn't entered correctly, it can create errors which prevent your Agreements from reporting in our IFRS 16 Reporting suite. In this article we're sharing how to solve the most common errors, so you can get your reports back up and running!

Locating Error Messages

IFRS 16 Reporting Error messages most commonly present in two ways in the Nomos One Platform.

They either appear:

  • In the top right hand corner of the application, or    
  • On a generated report in the IFRS Reporting suite where the 'Show Logs' button is red    

Errors must be resolved, otherwise those Agreements won't be included in your Reports.

How to solve common IFRS 16 Reporting Errors

See below our common IFRS 16 Reporting Errors and tips on how to resolve them.

"Failed to get Organisation IFRS Data"

This error is most commonly linked to using Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge to run the IFRS reports.

You need to ensure you're running on the most recent version of Google Chrome. For information on how to do this, click here

"No Expiry Date Set for this Agreement"

Every Agreement needs an Expiry Event. Check that an Expiry Event was created in the Events tab of the Agreement Wizard. If there is an Expiry Event make sure that the event has not been dismissed on the Agreement Timeline.

"Start date outside of Agreement"

This errors means that the dates you're running the report for are after an Agreement has Expired. This might be after the Final Expiry, a Surrender date, or outside of the Expected Number of Renewals taken up in the IFRS 16 Questionnaire. 

For those Agreements that have expired correctly, you can ignore this error message. However, if the this Agreement should still be in this report, you'll need to update the Agreement. You might find these articles on Extending your Agreement or Changing your Expected Number of Renewals helpful. 

"Interest rate does not exist for transition method"

This error means either:

  • You haven't entered an Interest Rate in your Agreement's Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire; or
  • You've entered an Interest Rate into the field that doesn't align with your Organisation's Transition Method

For example, if your Organisation uses the Modified Retrospective approach, the Interest Rate for your Agreements must be entered in the Modified field of the IFRS 16 Questionnaire. If you were to enter the Interest Rate in the Full Retrospective field, you'll get this error message in your IFRS 16 Reporting.

To resolve this, edit your Agreement's Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire to enter an Interest Rate into the correct field.

"Payment mode set to other, cannot calculate figures for this agreement or Payment mode not recognised"

The Payment Mode for an Agreement needs to be set as In Advance or In Arrears to be able to generate your IFRS 16 Reports. To fix this:

  • Click Action > Repair Data on your Agreement
  • Go to the Rent & Payments page of the Agreement Wizard
  • Go to Payment Mode and change this to either In Advance or In Arrears

"No Agreement IFRS settings found"

This message means that the IFRS 16 Initial Questionnaire hasn't been completed (or properly completed) for the Agreement in question. 

Go to the Settings page of the Agreement Wizard and ensure that the IFRS 16 Settings Questionnaire is turned on to Yes, and an Interest Rate is set. 

"initialMeasurements" fails because [child "interestRate" fails because ["interestRate" must be a number]]"

This message appears when you have added a special character (a percentage symbol, comma, or other character) into the text field where you record the Interest Rate. 

To resolve this error, navigate to the Initial IFRS 16 Questionnaire (or Settings Change Questionnaire) and remove the special character from the Interest Rate field. 

"Business Combination date is before Commencement"

A Business Combination date must be entered after the Commencement of your Agreement.

Ensure that the business combination date entered on your IFRS Settings is after the Commencement date of your Agreement. You can check what the Commencement date of your Agreement is by going to the Events page of the Agreement Wizard. 

"child "agreement" fails because [child "initialRent" fails because ["initialRent" must be a positive number]]"

Rent must be greater than 0 for the calculator to be able to present value the Rent of your Agreement. 

If you're not paying any Rent because of a Rent Holiday or Discount, you should record the regular rent in the Premises Rent field on the Rent & Payments page and use the Holidays/Discount functionality to record the non-payment of the regular rent.

Otherwise, to resolve this error, navigate to the Rent & Payments page of your Agreement and edit the Premises Rent to be 0.01. 

"Cannot read property 'sysid' of undefined"

This error commonly displays when there are Events that have not occurred in time yet, but have been dismissed on the Agreement timeline, namely the Expiry Event. 

To resolve this error, Reopen the dismissed future Events.

Error: "No report data exists for selected filter"

This error appears when filtering the Journal Report and is caused by three different issues. To resolve:

  • Check that the Commencement Event for the Agreement has been completed
  • Check that the Agreement hasn't expired
  • Check that the correct GL Template was applied for the search

"Child "initialMeasurements" fails because [child "makeGoodValue fails because [child "amount" fails because ["amount" must be a number]]]"

The text fields in the IFRS 16 Questionnaire don't like special characters being used. 

Check that the Make Good field in the initial IFRS Settings doesn't contain special characters i.e. $, ", ! or commas etc. If it does, remove these from the number entered. 

"Subsequent measurements cannot generate Expiry date with same effective date"

This occurs where there has been:

  • a Variation to the original terms set out in the Agreement, and
  • There is a display note reflecting a lease term change at the Data step of your completed Variation Event; and
  • The IFRS settings changes have been completed using the Termination Payment section. 

To resolve this: 

  • Go to the Agreement and click on the most recent Variation Event
  • Repair the Variation Event 
  • At step 1, Reset the Variation Event 
  • Recomplete the Event and make sure at step 2 to select ‘No Variation’
  • Ensure that the IFRS 16 Settings Change Questionnaire is still filled out correctly, including the Effective Date of the change. If you were extending a lease term, the Expected Number of Renewals field should be filled in, and if you were decreasing a lease term, the New expected Termination Date field should be filled in

Next time you need to record an extension or decrease to your lease term, check out these articles to ensure the changes are recorded correctly: 

How to Extend the length of your Agreement

Changing your Expiry Date to Decrease your Lease Term 


"Cannot read property 'eventId' of undefined"

This occurs when users have used the "Add linked GL Code" function to build out their GL template. To resolve the issue these linked GL codes need to be removed and replaced with normal text.  

Make sure you screenshot the codes as they are before removing any linked GL codes (in case you remove a code and it is part of the full text entered). We also recommend copying the code so that if it deletes all of it, you can just paste it back in without the linked GL code portion.


To do this, navigate to the Settings Console > GL Template Setup. Next, click Edit.


Expand each of the GL template sections and look for any GL accounts that have "[GL CODE]" in the code field. You'll need to remove these.

To remove them, click "edit glcode" and click "remove last code". If it removes all the text (this means that the User created it all in one action rather than by adding parts of the code separately) you will need to use the screenshot you took to recreate the rest of the code. You can add this in by clicking "add text". 

Remove all linked GL codes for all accounts and then click DONE to save.

"Duplicate Event ID"

This error occurs when there is more than one Event entered for any given day. Commonly this happens with Rent Reviews. 

To resolve this: 

  • Check that there are no events occurring on the same day
  • Remove all rent reviews then re add them

“Effective date '[01/01/2020]’ cannot be after event date ‘[31/12/2025]’ for event expiry.”

This error occurs when there is a Variation Event added in on the same date as the Commencement Event. Sometimes this can happen if you click too fast through the Agreement Wizard when making other changes. The date which populates in the first set of brackets will correspond to the Commencement/Variation Event date. The second date in the second set of brackets should display the Expiry date of your Agreement. 

To resolve this error:

  • Click on the Variation Event icon on the Agreement Timeline that is scheduled on the same date as the Commencement Event. You might need to use the directional arrows on the Agreement Timeline or the Expander tool to see this Event as it might not be visible at first glance
  • Repair and Reset the Variation Event on the Timeline
  • In the Agreement Header, click Action > Repair Data
  • Navigate to the Events page of the Agreement Wizard
  • Delete the Variation Event added in on Commencement 
  • Click Done to return to the Agreement Timeline

You should now be able to generate your IFRS Reports for this Agreement. If you can't and still run into an error, let our Support Team know.

Can't see a Variation Event on the Events page? This might be a ghost Event. Reach out to our Support Team for help to resolve this. 

"r is not iterable"

This error is caused when an Event is completed on the Agreement Timeline after a Surrender Event has been completed. Due to a system limitation, you cannot complete, delete, or dismiss any Event on the Agreement Timeline that is scheduled after the Surrender Date. 

To fix this error:

  • Go to the Agreement Timeline of the Agreement displaying this reporting error
  • Click on the Event icons that post-date the completed Surrender Event
  • If any of these Events have been started or completed, click Repair Event 
  • Reset the Events back to their original untouched state

You should now be able to report on this Agreement error free, provided its start and end date is within the reporting period.

"Must specify a valid effective date (after commencement) when using replaceEventId on event id 'e-1234567-s'"

This error occurs if there is an incomplete Surrender Event on the Agreement Timeline. To resolve this error:

  • Click on the Surrender Event on the Agreement Timeline
  • Make sure that the Surrender Event has been fully completed - the icon will turn Green once it has been completed 

"Cannot Surrender agreement on or after Expiry Date"

This error occurs if a Surrender Event has been completed after the Expiry date of the Agreement. This error is usually encountered when you mistakenly add in a Surrender Event, rather than completing the regular Expiry Event of the Agreement. 

If your Agreement is expiring in accordance with a scheduled Expiry Date (either the Agreement has not been extended at a Renewal date, or the Agreement has reached the Final Expiry as provided for in the terms of the lease) you can resolve this error by deleting the Surrender Event from the Agreement, and completing either the Final Expiry Event or the Renewal Event to say the Agreement will not be extended. 

"Child "agreement" fails because [child "events" fails because ["events" at position 1 fails because [child "changeAmount" fails because ["changeAmount" must be a number]]]]"

This error occurs if there is a special character (such as a comma) or an additional space entered in the Amount text field of a Fixed Rent Review on the Events page of an Agreement:


To resolve this error, remove any special characters and/or additional spaces from the Amount text field on the Events page of the Agreement.

“Must specify a valid effective date (after commencement) when using replaceEventId on event id 'e-1234567'”

This error occurs when there is a Rent Review scheduled on the same date as the Commencement Event. To resolve this error:

  • Delete the Rent Review on the Commencement Date 
  • Enter the Rent at Commencement on the Rent & Payment page of the Agreement

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