Agreement Balances Report - OneLease (Beta)

Written By Molly Cody ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The Agreement Balances Report in OneLease (Beta) is a brand new report that is calculated using the New Engine. This report is designed to give a breakdown of the Right of Use Asset (ROUA) and Lease Liability accounts, by Agreement, and the movements through these accounts for a given period. 

This report can be used to review the detail of the numbers which make up your financial statements, as well as to sense check any adjustments that have been made to Agreements during the period. 

The Agreement Balances Report is an adaptation of the Agreements (All Asset - All Liability) Report on the Legacy Engine. In this new Report we've:

  • Expanded our Filters! Make sure you review our Filter guidance when generating your report;
  • Incorporated a greater level of detail into the account movements across your portfolio to allow greater visibility as to what Agreements have changed over the reporting period to help with review
  • Made downloading your report more flexible - you'll be able to select whether you export in CSV or Excel formats as well as customise how different Currencies are exported
  • Added saving report template functionality with the Relevant Date Picker and Save Preset Reports features. You can now create reporting configurations with real time dates to make your reporting more efficient 

Generating your Agreement Balances Report in OneLease (Beta)

To generate your Agreement Balances Report:

  1. Select whether you want to report on All Agreements, or filter your Report using Selected Agreements or Filter Groups
  2. Record the Start of Report Period and End of Report Period using the Calendar tool or by using the Relevant Date Picker for quick Period select
  3. Select the Rollup for the Report 

    Read more about the Rollup below.

  4. Click Run Report 

Is your report taking a while to load? You can click on the Email me button while your Report is loading and we'll send you an email when your Report is ready to go!



The Rollup feature in the Agreement Balances Report allows you to view the report broken down by month.

By default, None will be selected in the Rollup. This means the report will show one line per Agreement, covering the total of the Reporting period. 

If Monthly has been selected, information for each Agreement will be broken down into separate lines for each calendar month entered in the Reporting Period. The Period column will display the date that the Opening Balance for each calendar month has been calculated. 

For Example:

This Report has been run for the period 15 January 2024 to 31 March 2024, using the Monthly rollup. As there are 2 calendar months and a part month in that timeframe (15 January - 14 February, 15 February - 14 March and 15 March - 31 March), we can see these separated into the 3 separate lines for each Agreement. 


Breaking down the Agreement Balances Report

Basic reporting information

The Agreement Balances Report shows you basic reporting information including: 

  • The Agreement Known As (File Display Name)
  • The Agreement ID
  • The Currency that the accounts are reported in

Right of Use Asset 

The Agreement Balances Report shows you the following values relating to the Right of Use Asset:

  • Opening Value – the book value of the ROUA for the start of the selected reporting period 
  • Additions – the ROUA of any new Agreements that have commenced within the selected reporting period
  • Depreciation – depreciation recognised over the selected reporting period
  • Impairment – any adjustments to impair the asset within the selected reporting period
  • Lease term changes – any adjustment to the ROUA in association with a change in the actual or anticipated expiry date of the Agreement within the selected reporting period
  • Other Adjustments – any other adjustment to the ROUA associated with reassessments to the Agreement within the selected reporting period. For example, these could include changes to rent amounts, changes to discount rates, addition of Rent Holidays and other adjustments
  • Closing Value – the closing book value of the ROUA at the end of the selected reporting period

Lease Liability

The Agreement Balances Report shows you the following values relating to Lease Liability:

  • Opening Liability – The lease liability balance at the start of the selected reporting period
  • Additions – The lease liability of any new Agreements that have commenced within the selected reporting period
  • Interest – Interest recognised over the selected reporting period
  • Lease term changes – Any adjustment to the lease liability in association with a change in the actual or anticipated expiry date of the Agreement within the selected reporting period
  • Other Adjustments – Any other adjustment to the lease liability associated with reassessments to the Agreement. For example, these could include changes to rent amounts, changes to discount rates, addition of rent holidays and other adjustments
  • Payments – Any rent payments made over the selected reporting period
  • Closing Liability – The lease liability at the end of the selected reporting period

Checking the Reporting Logs

Remember to check your Report's Logs. The Logs will show you if there are any errors which may be preventing any of your Agreements from displaying in the Report you've generated.

To learn more about the Logs and what particular errors mean, you can check out the OneLease (Beta) Report Logs article.

Downloading your Agreement Balances Report

  1. Click Download at the top of your Report 

  1. Select the Format you would like to download the report into, either CSV or Excel (.xlsx)

  1. Click Download CSV or Download Excel (depending on the Format you've selected in step 2)

Your downloaded Report will be ready to open!

Saving a Preset of your Agreement Balances Report

If you would like to save a particular configuration you've created for your Agreement Balances Report, you can do this by saving a Preset of your report. Check out how to do this here.

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